Hi all, thought I'd do a quick post while I enjoy some quiet time! Both the kids are napping {I know I'll be paying for it later!}, and the hubby isn't home. Is it wrong to indulge in this, because man, it is NICE! Aside from the wet start this morning, I had a pretty productive Monday, and to top it off Kaiden is much better! I managed to run errands with the kids this afternoon, and even cooked dinner, and made dessert. I do have a layout to share with you, that I did a few weeks ago, but just got around to putting a picture on it. A while back I was at Target, and passed by their scrapbooking section, yea that was a bad idea. They had a ton of stuff on clearance, including Making Memories Noteworthy collection. I've always liked this line, so needless to say I came home with everything they had. I did promise myself, that I would try to scrap as much as I could from it, to justify my purchase. So scrap I did, I think I made 4 or 5 layouts. Here is one of them, and I'll share the rest as I add pictures to them. Thanks for looking. Hope you all had a great Monday. I'll be back soon to share a lyout I did over the weekend.
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